2010年10月27日 星期三

How to Build A Better High School

How to Build A Better High School
A few private high schools have discarded AP altogether. Bruce Hammond, director of college counseling at Sandia Preparatory School in Albuquerque, N.M., has found a dozen schools, including his own, --that have rejected, or are about to reject, AP in favor of designing their own courses. Many teachers agree that instead of focusing on a standardized curriculum like AP, they should concentrate on making lessons exciting, well taught and linked to students' lives. "The troubles that arise in high schools are precisely an extension of the lack of intellectual vigor--forget rigor--in the elementary-school curriculum and pedagogy," says Deborah Meier, founder of a small East Harlem high school that succeeded in motivating low-income students by emphasizing discussion and writing.
一些私立高中已經完全不用AP。在新墨西哥州Sandia預備學校的校長 Bruce Hammond,發現了包含他在內的十幾所學校已經抵制、或將要抵制AP,他們贊成去設計屬於自己的課程。許多教師同意,不要聚焦於一個標準化的課程,例如AP,他們應該要集中全力讓課程活化起來,所教導的東西要和學生生活做連結。East Harlem 高中創辦人Deborah Meier,他成功提昇低收入家庭學生學習動機,藉由強調討論和寫作,他說:「現在的問題就是,在高中提倡的是關於智力活化的課程,但是在國小的課程與教學中卻忘記去嚴謹地設計」。
But superintendents, principals and many teachers in districts that have increased their commitment to college-level courses say even with their shortcomings, AP and IB are the most effective ways to take a demanding curriculum to the widest range of students. The tests have an incorruptible high standard, since a teacher cannot dumb down the final exams, and some AP and IB courses appear to be bet-ter than the college courses they substitute for. Luther Spoehr, lecturer in education and history at Brown University, says the AP American-history course "is one of the last places where students can get a survey course that really insists that they try to understand change over substantial periods of time. " Jon Reider, guidance counselor at San Francisco University High School and a former Stanford admissions officer, believes that because of smaller classes, better student motivation and more-experienced instructors, "calculus is almost always better taught in high school than in college."
但是在這地區的州長、校長、和許多老師已承諾去提昇課程到大學的水平,缺點就是:AP IB是使用在範圍最廣的學生中,最能達到要求的課程。這個考試有一個高標準,因為老師要去評分期末考試成績,有一些AP IB課程成績比他們所替代使用的大學課程更好。Brown 大學的歷史學講師Luther Spoehr表示:「AP裡的美國歷史課程,是學生可以從中學習調查的過程,他們試圖去瞭解具體時間內的歷史改變。」舊金山大學附設高中校長、前史丹佛大學講師Jon Reider認為由於小班教學有更好學習動機的學生和經驗豐富的老師,「微積分在高中比在大學更好教」。

2010年10月20日 星期三

Heads 'better leaders than MPs'

And it shows that 43% of the public have "great respect" for heads - up by 4% compared with last year. Doctors command more respect - 59% - with police officers scoring the third highest, with 25%.

There were also signs that this growing appreciation of heads was increasing confidence in the school system - with many more people believing that leadership in schools was getting better rather than declining.

2010年10月13日 星期三

Heads' college builds for future

Heads' college builds for future
What is the collective noun for head teachers? An assembly? Or maybe there isn't one because head teachers are solitary creatures and you never see them together.
And this can be a problem for heads, working in isolation, facing huge responsibilities with not much in the way of peer group support.
Everyone says that head teachers are vital to improving standards - but how can they be given training and motivation?
大家都說校長是改進標準的關鍵 - 但是他們要如何得到培訓和動機?
The National College for School Leadership was set up to provide this support and professional development for heads and senior staff.
And next month the education secretary will formally open its newly-built, ? 8m headquarters at Nottingham.
The leadership college, which has been running in the University of Nottingham for two years, is claimed as the only such national institution in the world.

2010年10月8日 星期五



2010年10月5日 星期二

Help Wanted: Qualified Principals

Help Wanted: Qualified Principals
Help Wanted: Qualified Principals
School systems are finding fewer and fewer qualified applicants when they need to hire school principals, according to a new study by the NAESP and NASSP.
School systems will find fewer and fewer qualified applicants when they need to hire school principals, according to a recent survey. Approximately half of the school districts surveyed reported a shortage in the labor pool for K-12 principal positions they were trying to fill for this school year.
Long hours, too much stress, and too little pay for the weighty responsibilities required in running a school are the chief reasons, say those doing the hiring.
The survey and its resulting report -- Is There a Shortage of Qualified Candidates for Openings in the Principalship? An Exploratory Study -- were commissioned by the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). The survey is the result of a random sample telephone poll of 403 rural, suburban, and urban districts with enrollments of 300 pupils or more. The survey was conducted by the Educational Research Service (ERS) in January 1998. Each district surveyed filled at least one principalship opening last year.
"We've been listening to warnings from state principals' associations about serious shortages," said Samuel G. Sava, NAESP's executive director. "The results of this poll point to a national shortage."
全國國小校長協會(NAESP)的執行主任Samuel G. Sava說:「我們一直在注意來自於國家校長協會關於校長嚴重短缺的問題。」「這個調查的結果指出一個全國性的短缺。」
"Schools are going without principals, retired principals are being called back to full-time work, and districts have to go to great lengths to recruit qualified candidates," said Thomas F. Koerner, NASSP's executive director.
全國中學校長協會(NASSP)的執行主任,Thomas F. Koerner說:「學校將沒有校長,退休校長回去從事全職工作,地區必須竭盡全力招聘合格的候選人。」
The results of the study point to the need for further study, Sava and Koerner say. They hope the data in the survey will provide some guidance to school systems as they do some long-term planning for the training and recruitment of high-quality leaders.
Sava and Koerner說:「結果研究指出,必須更進一步研究。」他們希望調查中的數據將提供一些方向給學校系統在培訓和招聘高素質的領導人才方面做一些長期的規劃。

2010年10月4日 星期一


Davis & Thomas(1989)指出,一個成功的學校領導者必須具備知識、具有願景、願意奉獻、及善於運用不同領導模式。Donmoyer, Imber & Scheurich(1996)指出:從知識本位的觀點來看學校領導,更能讓我們了解教育領導的專業與發展。Degler & Battle(2000)指出:針對學校經營績效的表現而言,學校領導者要從設立學校願景、建立文化、確立管理策略的系統知識。Crow(2002)提出:學校領導人才的培育,應以知識本位為基礎的構想。陳木金(民90)以學校經營實務之校務發展、行政管理、教學領導、公共關係及專業發展等五個向度來探討學校領導人才培養與訓練的實務內容,從學校領導管理系統知識培訓的圖像建構分析,找出信念系統、人的系統、組織系統、溝通系統及行動系的學校經營知識來建構學校領導人才的培養與訓練的圖像。由此可知,以知識本位模式(knowledge base module)之學校領導人才培訓,值得進行分析探討作為我國學校領導人才的專業知識與實務訓練的參考,藉以嘗試建立我國學校領導人才培訓之專業化模式。以下,本文擬先探討學校領導系統知識的圖像,並試從知識本位學校領導人才培訓的普通知識社會化模式、學校領導實務知識的臨床實習模式及學校領導人才專業知識的師傅教導模式,探討分析知識本位模式對我國學校領導人才培訓的啟示。
